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Please see the attached files. We have meticulously curated a comprehensive package to ensure the highest quality presentation for the 30-second ad video. This includes:

  1. Script: A well-crafted script that effectively highlights Binghatti's various projects in the Jumeirah Village Circle (JVC) area, emphasizing why JVC is an ideal place for investment and why Saudi investors should choose Binghatti.
  2. Voiceover: A professional voiceover that brings the script to life, ensuring the message is delivered clearly and compellingly.
  3. Sound Mixing and SFX: Enhanced audio elements, including sound mixing and special effects (SFX), to make the video more engaging and impactful.

Our goal is to create a captivating ad that resonates with Saudi investors, showcasing the unique opportunities and benefits of investing in Binghatti projects within the JVC area. We believe this package will effectively convey the message and drive interest among the target audience.

Voice Over Options



النسر رمزٌ لقوة شعبنا وثقافتنا العريقة.


نحن شعبٌ مرنٌ ومنضبطٌ، نمتلك مهاراتٍ عالمية فريدة، نستثمرُ في الخارج لتعزيزِ قيمنا السعودية الراسخة.


"بن غاطي" تُقدّم "JVC By Binghatti" مساحةً معيشيةً فاخرةً لأصحابِ الذوق الرفيع.


ليس مجرد منزل ثانٍ، بل حلمٌ يتحقق.


اتبع قلبكَ، وثق بشركة "بن غاطي".


"بن غاطي": إرثٌ من الابتكار، جودةٌ لا تُضاهى، مكانةٌ لا تُنافس.


الخيارُ السعوديُ الأمثل.



The eagle is a symbol of the strength of our people and our rich heritage.

We are a resilient and disciplined nation, possessing unique global skills, investing abroad to reinforce our enduring Saudi values.

"Binghatti" presents "JVC By Binghatti," a luxurious living space for those with refined taste.

Not just a second home, but a dream come true.

Follow your heart, and trust "Binghatti."

"Binghatti": A legacy of innovation, unmatched quality, unrivaled status. 

The ultimate Saudi choice.